Monthly contributions may be made from your checking, savings, or credit card account using WeShare. This program is easy to use and enrollment is free and takes just a few minutes. It includes WEEKLY OFFERTORY, SECOND COLLECTIONS (identified by month), and the PARISH GRAND ANNUAL.
WeShare giving may be used for ALL or SOME of these collections, and may be adjusted or changed at any time. WeShare replaces the use of envelopes. Remember to contact Bob with your envelope number (the 3 or 4-digit number to the right of your name), so that it can be added as the ‘Envelope ID’ to ensure proper crediting of your contribution. If desired, write WeShare on the empty envelope and put it in the collection basket. The WeShare Program is a service provided for the convenience of our parishioners. We incur a service fee from WeShare as well as normal fees when a credit card is used. We would appreciate any feedback you have about the program and we’re available to assist should you encounter any difficulties. Contact Bob Calarese at 781-762-6080 or bcalarese [at]
Online Banking can be setup for regular weekly or monthly offertory payments, or for second or special collections. Online banking replaces the use of Weekly Offertory or Second Collection Envelopes. Setup your payment to St. Catherine of Siena. Indicate your envelope number (the 3 or 4-digit number to the right of your name), and the name of the collection, to ensure proper crediting of your contribution. If desired, write Online Banking on the empty envelope and put it in the collection basket. Easy, quick and a great way to provide regular support to St. Catherine’s.
For questions or assistance, contact Bob Calarese at 781-762-6080 or bcalarese [at]